5008 Transducers

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5008 Transducers

Ian Wilde
Hi all,

I've just been calibrating a 5008 and one of the transducers has gone forcing me to change the lot.

Just wondering if anyone keeps them, perhaps has built a test rig or protocol up so that bunches of ones around the same tolerance can be installed together?

I have some ideas but didn't want to reinvent the wheel if it already been done.  Worked out this morning that we have over 600 transducers out in the field and we spend a small fortune on them.
Ian Wilde
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Re: 5008 Transducers

Hi Ian,

We see the FMC ring of death regularly.

No test rig but have found moving S3 or S7 to S16 can sometime resolve it.

I was once told the S15 can be used in any position which in theory could save carrying different TX but never be brave enough to try it.

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Re: 5008 Transducers

Chris Bates
I don't think Fresenius TSC requires a calibration of the transducers.
The machine automatically carries out a plausibility check of all 4 before its starts the A02/P02 test.
We stopped doing calibration as a routine part of the PPM about 18 months ago. I think we now get through far fewer transducers, no apparent increase in related failures.
I haven't done a service for >12 months so I may have this wrong.