5008s remote control batteries

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5008s remote control batteries

Ian Wilde
We are having problems with 5008s machines that have been left unplugged in the community causing the battery in the remote control to discharge to a level where it no longer charges because of some type of safety circuitry.

I believe you can "shock" these type of batteries into life again?

Anyone managed to do this and if so how? New batteries are £50 a pop.


Ian Wilde
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Re: 5008s remote control batteries

Chris Eaton
I've done it on 5 sets that were left in a drawer for 6 months!!!.

I except no responsibility for those reading this who don't know how to use a DVM or common sense (You know who you are, or perhaps you don't!)

unplug the battery,
piece together a Heath Robinson arrangement of wires, 1 in the red and 1 in the furthermost black (with respect to the red),
use a bench PSU, set to a scientifically calculated 5.5v (ish),
connect to Battery for 10 mins,
remove and check voltage on battery pack (looking for around or over 4v)
repeat above 10 mins if not.
put back together and put on machine, re-pair with machine.
can't guarantee it'll work, but it did for me

don't leave it connected to PSU when you go home, on lunch, skiving off some where (Explosions may ensue)

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Re: 5008s remote control batteries

Ian Wilde
Even I could follow that!
Ian Wilde
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Re: 5008s remote control batteries

Chris Bates
You may be able to follow that Ian,
Apparently I can't.
Revived 4 batteries fine - great.
Got distracted by something shiny and left the 5th one on for about 25 minutes.
As Chris warned it got very hot and stayed hot for a few hours !!!!
Maybe I'll have a bucket of sand ready next time.

Still £200 saved so good result.