ART – Moving Forward, Question 5 of 5

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ART – Moving Forward, Question 5 of 5

Roger Moore
At ART 2019 National Conference a workshop session was held subject title ART – Moving Forward to give delegates their opportunity to comment on five questions. The notes from this workshop session will be discussed by the ART Executive Committee and take forward ideas and suggestions to shape, in a positive way, the future direction of not only ART but how we recruit and retain staff.

The five questions discussed during the workshop session are now on the forum as five separate threads. This is to give those of you who were unable to attend conference the opportunity to put forward your thoughts on these questions and a further opportunity for those who did attend conference to add to those already noted down at conference.

Many thanks in advance for taking time to answer these questions, it is your opportunity to help shape the future direction of ART.

ART – what do you the membership want/what can we do better?
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART – Moving Forward, Question 5 of 5

Ian Wilde
I think communication from both sides need to be improved.

I think that once upon a time people seemed to want to hold on to and control information where as now I feel there is more of a willingness to share information and help each other out.  

Why are we all battling the same problems when others may have already been through it and may have knowledge and advice that they could give.

It could be something as simple as writing a job description.  I have seen many variations through the website and have picked up on some items that I have missed when writing my own.

I may have a rose tinted view of things but those are my feelings anyway.
Ian Wilde