ART National Conference 2015

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ART National Conference 2015

Roger Moore
ART will be returning to the Nottingham Belfry Hotel for 2015 National Conference on 15 and 16 October.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2015

Roger Moore
Registration form for conference will be available soon. Key note speaker confirmed and program is about to be finalised.

Don't forget 15 and 16 October as dates in your diaries.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2015

Roger Moore
Registration forms have now been posted out. Early Bird discount applies if places are booked before 7th September.

Excellent program including Doctors Paul Rylance and Roger Greenwood and NHS Supply Chain will be presenting.

If you are an experienced renal technical manager, new to the role of technical manager or aspire to be in this role then this is the conference for you.

Looking forward to welcoming you to conference in October.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2015

Roger Moore
Still time to register for National Conference and looking forward to seeing you all there.

If you are not going what are teh reasonsd behind this? Please reply on forum or email me if you wish.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2015

Roger Moore
I would like to thank all delegates, presenters and exhibitors for participating in what I believe was a very successful and enjoyable National Conference.
I would also like to thank all of the committee for the work put into the organisation of the conference over the last 12 months.
Work now begins on ART National Conference 2016.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2015

Ian Wilde
I'd like to echo those comments Roger.

What would be good would be if the membership and even non members stated what they would like to be discussed/presented at the next National Conference rather than just being told what the "theme" will be.

Ian Wilde
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Re: ART National Conference 2015

Roger Moore
Excellent idea Ian.

Over now to users of the ART forum, ART Twitter and ART Facebook pages to submit suggestions for themes, topics and speakers. Also interested for suggestions on venue for conference.
Kind regards


ART Chair