ART National Conference 2021

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ART National Conference 2021

Roger Moore
Dear all

As a committee ART has taken the difficult decision to not plan for a physical conference in 2021 given that there is much uncertainty around lifting of Covid restrictions.

However on a positive note we are looking to plan for a virtual online conference.

We will in due course be canvassing your opinion on this and the possible format and will very much welcome your thoughts, comments and ideas.

Take care and stay safe.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2021

This is probably a good opportunity to reach a wider audience, within the ART membership, as I expect attendance will be much easier and costs may be less of a hurdle.  Clearly keeping people sat in front of a screen for a full day would be a difficult task though I recently attended some Kquip sessions that worked well.   Those sessions took part on Zoom.  They included main group discussions and also break out groups that followed a similar line to previous ART conference workshop formats.  Took place over 3 weeks, each session at 1.5 hours in length.  I did not set it up but clearly functionality is there for somebody who knows what they are doing.

I’ve also attended a manufacturer presentation that took part virtually and also worked very well with Q &  A session.

If managers are on board to facilitate their staff attending, it could be a good opportunity.  It may even be less daunting to present whilst behind a mic or camera, perhaps providing more participation?  
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Re: ART National Conference 2021

Chris Pearson
My 2c as a Luddite :

Postpone until 2022 and have a big blow out with advertising and planning well in advance to get the numbers up and educational grants to help those who can't get funding with half a days short presentations on "What did you do in the Covid War ? "
I think we all need a physical get together to give us a metaphorical slap on the back and a celebration that we all (hopefully) got through it with pride and heads held high .
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Re: ART National Conference 2021

Roger Moore
Thank you Garry and Chris for your comments.

We are hoping for a good virtual attendance later this year and this may pave the way for more online events in the future whilst still retaining a physical conference.

Couldn't agree more Chris, a physical conference is needed and the ideal opportunity to celebrate the fantastic work done by all and to remember those lost to this terrible pandemic.

I have a feeling that our first physical conference will involve lots of networking and many Covid experiences will be shared, discussed and no doubt debated.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2021

Chris Pearson
Should we budget for a physical conference in 2022 Roger ?
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Re: ART National Conference 2021

Ian Wilde
Definitely Chris!
Ian Wilde
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Re: ART National Conference 2021

Chris Pearson
I'll be sad if we don't Ian,we all need a big pat on the back !!!
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Re: ART National Conference 2021

Roger Moore
In reply to this post by Chris Pearson
Absolutely Chris as it is our intention to return to a f2f conference in 2022.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2021

Chris Pearson
Thanks for confirming Roger.