ART National Conference 2022

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ART National Conference 2022

Roger Moore
Hi all

Not long to wait now for our 2022 conference on 20th and 21st October and I'm very much looking forward to welcoming delegates and exhibitors after our enforced absence.

There are a limited number of places still available and booking form can be found on ART website homepage.

See you at Crewe Hall in a couple of weeks time.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2022

Chris Pearson
Hi Roger and Peter,
I'm really looking forward to next week especially the MHRA presentation,are they sending somebody to present and if so given the legality issues can we be assured that only products correctly CE certified and showing on the MHRA medical device database with a UK Responsible Person formally designated can be exhibited ?

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Re: ART National Conference 2022

Roger Moore
Hi Chris

I can confirm that MHRA will indeed be presenting in person at conference, as also will be Healthcare Safety Investigation Branch (HSIB).
In answer to your second question I do not believe that ART should be 'policing' the products on display at conference exhibition. I would hope and expect that exhibitors have the integrity to display products and/or literature classified as a medical device that have received the relevant regulatory certification.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2022

Chris Pearson
Hi Roger,
I suggested it given the possible embarrassment of an MHRA Representative being faced with products which shouldn't be marketed in the UK,sadly I fear your expectations of integrity may be short lived if it isn't made clear to exhibitors.
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Re: ART National Conference 2022

Chris Pearson
Great job Peter and all the commitee concerned.
Apart from the dreadful food the conference and venue was excellent again.
Had a great meeting with the 2 MHRA investigators .
Huge thanks from Chris,Georgina and Jon.
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Re: ART National Conference 2022

Roger Moore
Hi Chris

I'm pleased to hear that you enjoyed conference, point on food noted, and hope that we receive further satisfaction feedback from delegates and exhibitors.

I too express my sincere thanks to Peter Jones, conference organiser extraordinaire, and all members of the ART Executive Committee for working hard on producing an excellent conference.

A big thank you goes to all delegates and exhibitors, without which there would be no conference.

It's never too early to look forward to and starting planning for conference 2023. Please put forward suggestions for topics, presenters or indeed volunteering to come forward with an offer to present.
Kind regards


ART Chair