ART National Conference 2023

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ART National Conference 2023

Roger Moore
Hi all

The ART Committee are busy drawing up plans for this year's conference and want to build on the success of 2022 which saw the return of conference after and enforced break due to the pandemic.

We are busy looking for topics and presenters and would very much like to hear from you on this. Do you have any topics that you feel should be on the programme and do you have any suggested speakers? You may want to present yourself and if so we would very much like to hear from you.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Chris Pearson
I'm so glad to hear that it is going ahead again.
Are we committed to the same venue or are you looking at alternatives in another part of the country ?
I think that a topic of Home Haemodialysis installations with a group of say 4-5 speakers with say 10-15 minutes each and then a Q&A giving an overview of how they do it might help new technicians without prior experience decide on their format.
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Roger Moore
Hi Chris

Another venue may be under consideration.

Thank you for your suggestion and I will feed this into committee.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Chris Pearson
Any updates Roger for venue and/or date for diary planning ?
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Roger Moore
Hi Chris

There will be an official notification coming soon but I'm happy to announce in reply to your post.

** Spoiler Alert ** ART National Conference will take place 4th to 6th October at a new venue, and that is Telford Hotel, Spa and Golf Resort.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Chris Pearson
Thanks Roger.
Can't see booking form is it in there somewhere I can't see ?
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Roger Moore
Hi Chris

Booking Form will be released soon, just some finer details to finalise. You can express interest with Peter Jones to ensure that you have places available to you.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2023


Any update on this year's program so we can make informed decision on attendance?  Will also need this for staff study leave applications, thanks
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Roger Moore
Hi Garry

We have topics/workshops ranging from; a unit looking at their water treatment, designing a renal unit, cleaning of machines inside and out, update on ART Training and Education Scheme and dry surface biofilms.
In addition and subject to final confirmation other topics may include; management of sodium and potassium interaction and blood borne virus myth busting.
Any of course let's not forget my exciting annual report at AGM.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Chris Pearson
Will there be a vote on appointing a replacement ART Industry Representative by active companies given recent developments ?
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Roger Moore
Hi Chris

We certainly need to engage with ARI to seek nomination of a suitable replacement onto ART Committee. We also still open to an Industry Rep not associated with ARI as there was always provision for two Industry Reps (ARI and non-ARI) to be nominated.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference 2023

Roger Moore
** Hot Off The Press! **

ART National Conference 2023 is now almost fully booked. 85 places booked so far, there literally are only a handful of places remaining so please contact Peter Jones is you would like to book one of the last few remaining places.
Kind regards


ART Chair