ART National Conference Satisfaction Questionnaire 2023

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ART National Conference Satisfaction Questionnaire 2023

Roger Moore
Dear all

At previous conferences the Satisfaction Questionnaire had been included as hardcopy in delegate packs. Overall ART, at committee meetings and conference, are not big users of paper but we must however be mindful of our use of such resources.

As a result and a first for ART the National Conference Satisfaction Questionnaire for 2023 will be issued as a survey using the Survey Monkey platform. During the course of this year's conference, the survey weblink will be posted to the ART Forum and emailed to members.

Please look out for the link when issued and I encourage conference delegates to complete and submit.

Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference Satisfaction Questionnaire 2023

Roger Moore
Hi all

Please take a few minutes to complete survey.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference Satisfaction Questionnaire 2023

Roger Moore
Hi all

11 survey responses received so far and thank you to those who have taken time to complete and submit survey. This will remain open so please take a few minutes to complete. Your feedback enables us to plan for better conferences.

One respondent has indicated an interest in Industry Rep position on ART Executive Committee but failed to leave their name or contact details within the survey. If this was you, please contact a member of the committee to discuss further.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: ART National Conference Satisfaction Questionnaire 2023

Roger Moore
Hi all

Many thanks to those who have already completed the satisfaction survey and it is still open for those who have not had the opportunity.

In addition to scoring 1 to 5 there is the facility to leave comments relevant to the questions being asked and we have received many comments which will be reviewed, and where possible changes made to future conferences.
Kind regards


ART Chair