ART Needs You!

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ART Needs You!

Roger Moore
Dear all

Do you want to or have you ever considered becoming more involved with the work of ART?

We currently have space on the Executive Committee for full technical members to join us, to help to shape the future direction of ART, promote the work of ART and give the membership a Professional Body that they can be proud of and meets their needs.

Is this a challenge you can rise to?

Being a member of the Executive Committee is very rewarding, knowing that you can play a role and have a positive impact in the representation of our renal technologists membership. It is also an excellent opportunity to develop yourself, not only in demonstrating your CPD activities but also building on or developing new skills, such as presenting at conference or representing ART at meetings with other Professional Bodies, to name but a few.

If you are interested then please do not hesitate to contact any member of the committee.

I can appreciate becoming a member of the committee may seen daunting (I assure you it is not daunting, we are a very friendly and supportive bunch), so if this is a concern why not consider putting yourself forward to assist with a project or work stream that ART are involved with/working on? For example you may be able to assist with the organisation of the National Conference, such as contacting potential speakers. Again please contact any member of the committee if you are interested in this.

Many thanks in advance for taking time to consider if you want to become involved and we await to hear from you.
Kind regards


ART Chair