BBraun Disinfection valve

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BBraun Disinfection valve

Hi All,

Wondering if anyone else has found the following problem and what they found the cause was?

BBraun Dialog+ Evolution.
Intermittent VD (SUP) alarm during disinfect. Further investigation shows hot water being fed back into the citric acid.

Checked disinfection valve  (both types) in LLC test mode all OK function as required.
Visually checked the operation of the disinfection valve all seems ok.
Fault intermittent but happening on several different machines.
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Re: BBraun Disinfection valve

Matt Waite
We've had the occasional citric can inflating on both V8 and V9 machines, though I don't recall getting the VD (SUP) error. I'd guess that is a servo /  mechanical problem?

In our case usually no definite cause has been found, with the issue vanishing once the disinfect valve has been dismantled and reassembled. The beam break flag on a V8 was a bit poor and could foul on the sensor, but the V9 seems better in this respect.

Sometimes I've found the tiny springs in the poppet valves become encrusted in black crystals. No idea what the substance is (the spring appears un-corroded) or if it is behind the citric can filling. One on occasion I have had a rusty (and broken) spring. I think we've had two or three new servos for not homing correctly, but they were on very old and tired V8 machines.

In summary: Not much help