Baxter BW-03 fluid warmers

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Baxter BW-03 fluid warmers

fraser gilmour
Hi all,
Our Procurement dept. seems to be having trouble sourcing replacement PD fluid warmers. Baxter and Fresenius models were supposed to be on a purchasing framework but it still seems to be a struggle. The suggestion is the BW-03 has been superseded.
Has anyone been able to source these recently?    
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Re: Baxter BW-03 fluid warmers

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Our last purchase was for Veba Meditemp 1510WTP-V3 plate warmers, that we purchased direct from Baxter.  This was back early 2022 so, as I'm about inform renal that we are running low on stock, I'd also be interested in the options available.

12/01 To update, Baxter have confirmed that these are still on NHS supply chain and available to order.  As they buy in from 3rd party delivery is not immediate.
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Re: Baxter BW-03 fluid warmers

fraser gilmour
it would seem the BW-03 is no more, shame, it was a workhorse
The Meditemp replacement is only has a 60W heater, and a removeable power lead. I wonder how many of them we'll have to replace  
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Re: Baxter BW-03 fluid warmers

I'll await an update on our order.  Partially complete, with 5 delivered first week in February!