Dear all
This Forum thread has been started for members to ask questions and seek information. I hope that it will be a valuable resource and provide clarity to any questions that you may have.
Please also be mindful that your Trusts and organisations will be publishing their own guidance on the current situation and in all likelihood will have a FAQ resource which we woudl encourage you to also use. In addition many others information sources should be consulted such as GOV.UK, PHE, NHS 111 online and other agencies.
ART are currently contributing to weekly teleconference calls that are organised and managed jointly by the British Renal Society and Renal Association (BRS/RA). The BRS/RA will maintain communication to renal units and services through Clinical Directors. ART will shortly be adding a link from the ART website to the RA website where there will be a specific COVID-19 page which will be updated as the situation changes.
Please be mindful that if you are answering a question posted to this thread that the information you post must be factually correct and accurate.
ART wish you, your families, friends and loved ones well during these challenging times.
Kind regards
ART Chair