COVID-19 pandemic - what has been happening in your units?

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COVID-19 pandemic - what has been happening in your units?

Roger Moore
Dear all

I hope that you are all keeping safe and well and send best wishes to you all on behalf of the ART Executive Committee.

I'm sure that the last few months have been somewhat of a whirlwind and it feels like we are now in a different phase and possibly heading towards a "new normal"? Like me you may well now be starting to collect your thoughts and be reflecting on the events of the past few months.

It would therefore seem an appropriate time to ask if you want to share the experiences and challenges that you and the teams that you work within have faced and will continue to face.
What problems have you encountered?
What solutions have you found?
What are your general thoughts on what has gone well, not so well and what can be done to improve in the future?

Please share your thoughst and comments here but equally if you do not wish openly share through the forum then you can contact a member of the committee and we will be more than happy to anonymise and post for you.

Many thanks in advance.
Kind regards


ART Chair