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Ian Wilde
Hi all,

just wondered if anyone knew of anyone partaking in a CPD scheme but not registered with the RCT/IPEM etc...

Does anyone run a CPD program as part of an appraisal tool perhaps?

ART has its own CPD documentation but obviously isn't a regulator as we work in partnership with RCT and IPEM.  

I don't know if these bodies require you to use their own document templates?  Anyone know?

Ian Wilde
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Roger Moore
Hi Ian

I am regsitered with RCT and as such I use the CPD documents which I download from the 'Resources' page on the IPEM website. Each year I submit my CPD declaration and this year I was selected for CPD audit, which thankfully I have now passed.

Personally I would be very pleased to be presented with an individuals own record of their CPD at appraisal whether they are registered or not. We never stop learning and reflection is vitally important.

Hope this helps.
Kind regards


ART Chair