Carbon/Softener rebedding

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Carbon/Softener rebedding

Ian Wilde
I would love it if someone could run a course on this.  It's not rocket science is it!?

I'm sure it is something we as techs could do ourselves.

Anyone with experience fancy running an education day?
Ian Wilde
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Re: Carbon/Softener rebedding

Chris Bates
Hi all,
Has anyone changed the carbon in a large GAC ?
Having had some very expensive quotes we are going to do it ourselves on our 16" x 65" cylinders.
We've changed softener resin lots of times but these cylinders are a bit big. A 200kg cylinder is going to be a bit difficult to manoeuvre in a very tight space.
Any hints or tips on the best way to get the old carbon out ?
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Re: Carbon/Softener rebedding

fraser gilmour
Hi Chris,
I've seen it done by syphoning, the softener resin is drawn out with the water flow and filtered out by porous sacks held over a large tank to collect the water. They kept refilling the tank with a hose to fluff up the beads until flushed out.
I'm sure it would work the same with carbon.
