CeCon 3000 Acid loop delivery pump

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CeCon 3000 Acid loop delivery pump

Hi Folks,

We have a CeCon 3000 acid loop delivery system, its a long story so I wont bore you all, but it was installed 2 years ago and has been tested once, it will deliver acid to the floor it is installed on but will not pump up to the next floor. I was wondering if any one had a technical reference manual for it.

Any help would be greatly appreciated
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Re: CeCon 3000 Acid loop delivery pump

Chris Bates
Hi Dan,
We have manuals from 1995 and 2000 which are relevant to our Cecon 3000s.
If it hasn't changed too much I can scan a few relevant pages and e-mail them. At least some dip switch settings and electronic pump presets might help.
Ours have been running 24/7 for 18 years with barely a problem !
 e-mail me on chris.bates3@nhs.net.