Central Delivery Pumps

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Central Delivery Pumps

Ian Wilde
Just wondering what options are out there?

We currently have one Cecon unit and one Lauer CCS unit.

I know of a gravity fed system from Intermedt but that's it.

There must be more to choose from surely?

Anyone know of any?
Ian Wilde
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Re: Central Delivery Pumps

Chris Bates
Hi Ian,
We have both the Cecon and the Lauer systems. Both seem good the Cecons have been running 24/7/365 since 1997, with barely a problem, so I don't think reliability is an issue !
Fresenius also have a system which I believe has had a design change/improvement recently - I haven't heard much good or bad about it.
However I think the future is the CBCS1 available from my shed - see pix. Fully CE marked as you can see. Has run 5 machines without a problem during an exhaustive 25 minute trial.
This is our emergency back up in the event of failure of any of our 19 year old Cecons - risk assessment already written !

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Re: Central Delivery Pumps

Ian Wilde
Where can I buy one!!
Ian Wilde
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Re: Central Delivery Pumps

Chris Bates
Not sure you northerners could afford one. The parts alone cost almost £100 plus £10 for my labour.