Chairman’s Christmas Chatter
Hello one and all and welcome to my Chairman’s Christmas Chatter.
As I prepare for my latest ‘Chatter’ I find it very remis of myself that this is my only Chatter of 2021 for which I most sincerely apologise. Once again I’m reflecting on a year that has continued to present us all with many challenges, both in our professional and working lives. It has been a year of further Covid-19 waves and variants and as we head towards Christmas and the New Year uncertainty still abounds with the possibility of further lockdowns or circuit breaks. On behalf of the ART Executive Committee, we hope that at this time, in a year that has continued to challenge us, that you, your families, friends and loved ones are safe and well. I don’t mind admitting, that personally, I have found some situations this year very difficult to deal with on a personal level. I would encourage you to seek out support services, they are invaluable and the benefit should never be underestimated.
Unfortunately for a second year we were unable to hold the ART National Conference due to the continued uncertainties around face-to-face events. Conference will be back, hopefully in 2022, and as a Committee we hope that the next will be the biggest and best yet. For a second year the ART AGM was held using MS Teams and I must admit that attendance was somewhat disappointing. This is ‘your’ association, and I would encourage all members to attend such events and contribute your views, thoughts and opinions on issues that affect us all. In my Christmas Chatter 2020 I asked the question “what does the ‘new normal’ have in store for us?”, I’m not sure we are any closer to the answers but I’m sure we will adapt and prevail.
The ART website continues to go from strength to strength, indicated by the number of visits and uptake and use of the Forum. Thanks go to Ian Wilde for his work as Website Administrator and I’m sure Ian would welcome any suggestions that you may have, it’s your website so let’s keep it evolving. Ian is also at present looking to launch an electronic newsletter, please think about contributing to this, and let us know what is going on in your units.
Over the course of the last 12 months there has been a welcome stability in the membership of the Executive Committee. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Gerry for his unstinting and continuing support in the role of vice-chair and for his invaluable help, thank you Gerry. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to all members of the committee, without them all and their unwavering support there would be no ART.
As 2021 draws to a close there seems to be more questions than answers and the NHS is under pressure the likes of which I feel it has never seen before. We will always be facing challenges and it is down to the professionalism and dedication of all those working for the NHS, and those in industry who support us that will see us through this. We should never forget that we are here to do the very best that we can for each and every one of our patients. We are here for our patients, their families and friends. We truly do make a difference to people’s lives and this is due to your passion and dedication, we may not always realise it or indeed see it but we really do make a difference. Never underestimate the contribution that you all make to the health and wellbeing of our patients.
Apologies for my somewhat brief Chatter and lack of Chatter throughout the past year.
Finally, from both myself and on behalf of the ART Executive Committee, we wish you and your loved ones a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Safe, Healthy and Prosperous New Year.
Take care and stay safe.
Kind regards
ART Chair