Checking chemical analysis (rudial )results from ALS (MYALS)

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Checking chemical analysis (rudial )results from ALS (MYALS)

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Hi all,

Has anybody successfully set up any mechanism within MYALS or an excel spread sheet to import the chemical analysis results from the MYALS website and provide a quick check pass/fail?

We can currently find ourselves manually checking  upto  20 RO results which is pretty time consuming.

So, before I dive into excel, has anybody got a ready made system?

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Re: Checking chemical analysis (rudial )results from ALS (MYALS)

Ian Wilde
Hi Garry,

I had the same issue when they were Alcontrol.  
I got chatting with them and they themselves can highlight values outside of a particular range for you so it flags up as red on the results table.
I will see if I can find the contact I used - if they are still there!
Ian Wilde
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Re: Checking chemical analysis (rudial )results from ALS (MYALS)

Thanks,  I did have a go with excel though, after importing the results and removing the < &> symbols, conditional formatting refused to work on the modified cells so I came to a bit of a dead end using a DIY approach.
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Re: Checking chemical analysis (rudial )results from ALS (MYALS)

I spoke to ALS and though they did not mention any automated system on MyALS, they did say it was possible to set up an automatic alert direct with them if certain limits are exceeded.  Just need to supply them with limits and apparently I'll get an automatic email alert for any fails.
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Re: Checking chemical analysis (rudial )results from ALS (MYALS)

Ian Wilde
Hi Garry,

I got the same response:

"I’m afraid the MyALS system is unable to highlight specific limit breaches but this can be set up on our ABR system where a breach report will automatically be sent when a limit is breached. Could you please provide the limit breaches for the analysis you’d like setting up?"
Ian Wilde