Chlorine Testing/Tester

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Chlorine Testing/Tester

Ian Wilde
With the ending of support for the Chlorosense from Palintest, has anyone got any alternatives that they use while we have the chance to look at other products?

Thanks in advance

Ian Wilde
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Re: Chlorine Testing/Tester

Ivor D
Hi Ian,
We replaced our ChloroSense units with the Palintest Kemio for our nursing staff.
To reduce complexity we scan the sensor batches in and have set the total chlorine limit to produce a visual green/red pass and fail.
Staff feedback so far has all been positive.

We have a Hach 900 colorimeter for our techs for cross reference and technical use.
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Re: Chlorine Testing/Tester

Ian Wilde
Cheers Ivor!
Ian Wilde
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Re: Chlorine Testing/Tester

John Barnes
Hi Ian
we have just started using one of these

seems more  reliable than the old Chlorosense
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Re: Chlorine Testing/Tester

Ian Wilde
Just ordered a couple of the HI-761 devices from Hanna.  Worth a punt a that price to run along side my chlorosense to compare results until my strips run out.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Chlorine Testing/Tester

fraser gilmour
The Hanne ULR checkers are really good little units, we've used them for a while now. You can get a cal check vial but it's not that much cheaper than a new unit.
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Re: Chlorine Testing/Tester

Chris Bates
They sound good, and cheap. Never heard of them before.

I am waiting for an Extech CL-200 to try, but these sound better.

DPD Colourimeter readings always seemed very user dependent in the past, because any fingerprints or bubbles could skew the results quite badly.

I'll report back if the Extech is any good.
