Chlorine Testing

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Chlorine Testing

Richard Brownlee
Hi all, we currently only have 2 home patients using an RO and 5008s machine.  We test for chlorine monthly and was wondering if there is a requirement for Chlorine testing in our hospital to check the water output from the Water plant.  The water plant has a built in chlorine monitor but that is tested just after the pre stage filtration.  Many thanks
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Re: Chlorine Testing


Can I ask if you confirm that the readings on the online monitoring are correct?

If you are getting a good reading before the RO I would say there is no reason to check the loop. However if you are borderline before the RO I would check the loop to be on the safe side.

You can find a copy of the RA/ART Guidelines on water quality here:


P.S. Just out of interest can I ask where abouts you are?

Thanks Drew

Drew Blackmore
Senior Renal Tech
Royal Free London
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Re: Chlorine Testing

Ian Wilde
This post was updated on .
In reply to this post by Richard Brownlee

As Drew mentions - do you need to validate your online chlorine meter at all?  Never had any experience with one so please forgive my question if it seems a bit simple!  We too don't check for chlorine post RO, only post carbon unless it was to breach the upper limit at which point we would check post RO.

*edited my original post as I waffled on about stuff you never even asked about
Ian Wilde
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Re: Chlorine Testing

Richard Brownlee
In reply to this post by DrewB
Hi Drew,

As far as  I am aware the readings are not checked but the chlorine monitor is linked to switchboard and if it alarms we will receive a phone call letting us know.  I'm in the process of looking over the way we test things here as our manager left in December.  We are at Sunderland Royal.

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Re: Chlorine Testing

Richard Brownlee
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
Hi Ian,

As far as I'm aware as per guidelines we should be testing for chlorine weekly?  I was thinking of doing this monthly as we check for Endo/coli monthly and thought it would be a good idea to test at the same time.  In answer to what you said before the edit, the estates dept do dose the water with chlorine hence why I think it should be periodically tested.

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Re: Chlorine Testing

Ian Wilde
Hi Richard,
How do your chlorine levels look usually both pre and post carbon? Our incoming water I believe is quite high at 0.8 - 1.1ppm. Estates at our hospital wouldn't dose without letting us know giving us chance to keep an eye on our carbons which is another reason why we're happy to sample monthly for chlorine, TVC and endo. We're testing for metals etc quarterly via the mandatory suite sample from ALS.
Feel free to bang me an email if you need any further info.
Ian Wilde