Choice of Tester

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Choice of Tester


Any recommendations for suitable basic electrical safety analyser for testing renal kit?  Currently have a few aging Biotek 601 pros.  Looking for something a bit more mobile along the lines of Fluke ESA 612.  

Does any body have experience of the ESA 612/615 of maybe suggest something else they have experience with?

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Re: Choice of Tester

Ian Wilde
Hi Garry,

We use the Rigel 288 which seems pretty good.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Choice of Tester

Roger Moore
We use ESA 615 across all Clinical Engineering workshops. Techs like it and seems robust and reliable.

Best wishes

Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: Choice of Tester

Chris Bates
I'm thinking of looking at the Rigel Safetest 60.

I assume it's going to be reasonably priced compared to the 288 and Flukes etc.

It doesn't do patient leakage tests - but neither do Fresenius.

If Fresenius don't think it's necessary why should I ??

Comments/derision please !
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Re: Choice of Tester

Ian Wilde
I can see your point Chris.

Perhaps the need has been engineered out with the earthing of the dialysate lines?

I was on the AK98 course last week and noted no visible earthing of the lines on that machine.
Ian Wilde