Citric acid 50% survey

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Citric acid 50% survey

Chris Pearson
I'm trying to get a handle on how many renal units are using pure 50% citric acid rather than a manufacturers own brand such as Citrosteril with lactic and malic acid added.
If anyone can help and it's easier to contact me direct please e-mail me on :
Thanks in anticipation,
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Re: Citric acid 50% survey

We use 50% citric acid solution from MTN
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Re: Citric acid 50% survey

Ian Wilde
Just citrosteril here for us I'm afraid.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Citric acid 50% survey

Chris Pearson
Thanks Ian,that does help me to build a picture.

Best regards,

Chris Pearson
Director Sales and Marketing
Health Tec Medical Ltd
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On 26 Sep 2016, at 17:14, Ian Wilde [via ART Forum] <[hidden email]> wrote:

Just citrosteril here for us I'm afraid.

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Re: Citric acid 50% survey

John Moore
In reply to this post by Chris Pearson
Hi Chris. We were using largely 50% citric but are now mainly citrosteril as we've recently bought a lot of 5008 machines for our o/p unit.
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Re: Citric acid 50% survey

Chris Pearson
Thanks to all of you who responded to help me build up a picture of current requirements,much appreciated.