DFPP equipment

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DFPP equipment

Following withdrawal from the UK market of the Asahi Plasauto is anybody aware of any other haemofiltration equipment that can perform double filter plasma pheresis along with plasma immuno-adsorption?

I'm aware of the Infomed HF440 but my search ends there!

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Re: DFPP equipment

Chris Pearson
Is anyone else in the same situation as Garry with Asahi machines and disposables  ,if there is enough interest to make it viable I have a plan ?
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Re: DFPP equipment

Chris Pearson
Did try but UKCA marking regulations due next year have killed it for them.
First of many overseas suppliers with niche products I fear the registration costs are just not worth it for the small returns.
Fortunately for us Digiterm are already MDR compliant so should be really easy.
Hopefully common sense will prevail and products already on the market will get grandfathered in but will probably kill any new niche products coming in and with little or no UK investments .

The MHRA are already now investigating manufacturers ignoring the current CE,MHRA Registration and UK Resonsible Person legislation and selling products that don't comply .

If you are thinking of buying something new such as VND devices or reclining chairs it's worth checking here, it will surprise you how many haven't bothered to register,some products are even on NHSSC Chain Frameworks and they aren't checking for you.
