Dave Parry - retirement.

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Dave Parry - retirement.

John Moore
As many of you will know, Dave Parry is retiring from Fresenius today. I just wanted to wish him all the best and to give my personal thanks for all of the help and support he has given me and the renal community at large. His experience, wit and humour will be sorely missed.
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Re: Dave Parry - retirement.

Chris Pearson
He was one of the very best,shared some great times over the years especially during my short spell with him at FMC.

Hope you have a long and healthy retirement Dave.
Best wishes,
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Re: Dave Parry - retirement.

In reply to this post by John Moore
Missed this, all the best Dave.
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Re: Dave Parry - retirement.

Ian Wilde
Will there be another like him - i doubt it! :-)
Ian Wilde
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Re: Dave Parry - retirement.

Roger Moore
I don't imagine that FMC training courses will ever be quite the same without Dave. I thoroughly enjoyed my time on all of Dave's courses, a true gentleman with a great sense of humour.

The phrase 'a true character' is often banded about but in the case of Dave it is very apt, he really was a true character in the renal field.

Wishing Dave a long, healthy and fun filled retirement.
Kind regards


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