Dedicated electrical socket in the home

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Dedicated electrical socket in the home

Ian Wilde
I liked the look of that "T" shaped electrical socket that was shown at ART to give a dedicated electrical outlet for a machine or RO.

The only problem with this system is that when you get back to base with the equipment it won't fit any of your sockets!

The lockable cover that goes over a normal socket that I think NxStage mentioned seems a better option.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Dedicated electrical socket in the home

Andy Mosson
An additional problem with using a keyed socket is that it will need an adaptor for doing electrical safety testing. At this stage we are remaining with normal sockets with no lock or other device. My logic is that the risk is low - we have all sockets in the room tested by an electrician at time of installation; we do a rough check with a Martindale tester every six months; we are installing equalization earths wired back to earth source in all installations. I think the combination of all these factors absolutely minimizes the risk of inadequate connections so avoids the necessity to do something more complex.  
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Re: Dedicated electrical socket in the home

Ian Wilde
I think you've got it all covered there Andy!
Ian Wilde
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Re: Dedicated electrical socket in the home

Onkar Singh
Hi Gents

As we are providing a home therapy,
We have an RCD double socket installed on an existing ring main by a qualified electrician.
Who's responsibility is it to test the ring main to which we are connecting the medical device? Patient or treatment provider?

If it was a rented property, I would expect the landlord to provide a valid electric test certificate.
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Re: Dedicated electrical socket in the home

Ian Wilde
Hi Onkar,

We do the same as you.  A qualified spark fits an RCD to an existing socket in the room and we then come off that for further sockets if required.  As far as I know we only check the earthing of the existing sockets.  

See  below for response to recent email from Gerry Boyle on the subject:

1. Electrical supply
a. Testing
i. What do we test for?
we check for earth continuity, the correct type of cable as been installed to the socket we will be using, visual check of the house fuse board and rectify minor problems ie blanking plates missing from live ways in fuse boards.
ii. Who tests?
Qualified Registered Contractor
iii. How often do we re-test?
We don’t
iv. Do we monitor usage?
No but we do reimburse the patient.
Ian Wilde