Donating machines and consumables

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Donating machines and consumables

Roger Moore
Dear all

Those who attended the 2016 ART National Conference will have seen a presentation looking at setting up dialysis facilities in the Gambia. It was an excellent presentation and highlighted how these facilities rely to a large extent on both charitable work and the donations of equipment and consumables.

Since the conference I have been in contact with Sailey Fladsrud the founder of the Ida Bass Kidney Foundation. Positive progress has been made with clinicians coming forward to offer their assistance, both surgical and medical.

Sailey has recently contacted me and hence my message to you all now. Please give consideration as to whether your units and Trusts are in a position to donate dialysis machines that you are replacing or any consumables that you may have, such as those from sadly deceased patients or those who have had transplants.

If you have then Sailey would love to hear from you and can be contacted by email or phone on; or 07977 958 230.

Many thanks for giving this your consideration.

Best wishes and kindest regards,

Kind regards


ART Chair
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Donating machines and consumables

John Moore
Has anyone had direct experience in donating to this charity? I've just donated machines to a hospital in Nigeria. I began the process in August 2016 and the machines have only left the trust this week - 10 months later!! I'm all in favour of donating kit so that it can be used to help the less fortunate but I very nearly lost the will during this process and I'm not keen to repeat the experience!
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Re: Donating machines and consumables

Ian Wilde
I have John,

I have to admit that it took a while for them to actually go but it was weeks rather than months.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Donating machines and consumables

Roger Moore
Dear all

I have previously posted to talk about the Ida Bass Kidney Foundation and how their facilities rely to a large extent on both charitable work and the donations of equipment and consumables.

Sailey Fladsurd, founder of Ida Bass, has recently contacted me and hence my message to you all now. Please give consideration as to whether your units and Trusts are in a position to donate any consumables, particularly dialysers, that you may have, such as those from sadly deceased patients or those who have had transplants. Also and I appreciate that it is a long shot but Sailey is also looking for donation of a blood gas analyser.

If you can help then Sailey would love to hear from you and can be contacted by email or phone on; or 07977 958 230.

Many thanks for giving this your consideration.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: Donating machines and consumables

Chris Pearson
In collaboration with Brett at Southmead and TPS  we've just donated 13 x  Digiterm chairs from one of their satellite units to Sailey.
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Re: Donating machines and consumables

Roger Moore
That's really good to hear Chris.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: Donating machines and consumables

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by Chris Pearson
Well done Chris
Ian Wilde
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Re: Donating machines and consumables

In reply to this post by Roger Moore
I've been approached by a group of nurses who would like to donate a dialysis machine to a specific dialysis centre in Kerala, southern India.  Would anybody know of any charities/organisations operating in this area that maybe able to assist?

Very early days at the moment as they are still to raise funds for a new/second hand machine.

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Re: Donating machines and consumables

Chris Pearson
Sailey has just called me from her new Dialysis Unit in Senegal,all her 5008 machines are in and commissioned but she has no disposables and desperate so if anyone could help her with nearly out of date/returned from home patients or just not used anymore :
5008 bloodlines/dialysers/fistula needles/hd concentrates/BiBags/saline.
that would be great,without her efforts many who have no money to pay will just die.
James at Kimal is trying his best but struggling at the moment and FMC in Senagal can supply but only at commercial prices.
sailey can organise to pick them up and ship to Africa and will sign any disclaimer required if cross infection is a concern.
Hope someone can help.