ECG trace interference with Digiterm chair ?

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ECG trace interference with Digiterm chair ?

Chris Pearson
We've just had a complaint from a new customer installed this week of a Digiterm ECO chair interfering with an ECG trace recording,we've never had this issue reported before so just wondering if anyone here has and knows the solution ?
Chris P
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Re: ECG trace interference with Digiterm chair ?

Simon Brooke
We have chairs from Actual Way, they interfere with ECG's.
Our advice is simply to unplug the chair when taking an ECG.
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Re: ECG trace interference with Digiterm chair ?

Chris Pearson
Thanks Simon,I had suggested that they switched the chair mains plug socket off but they thought it was dangerous for some reason.
Lesson learned,in future ask and specify battery back up model.
Digiterm have suggested it may be an earthing/mains filter issue wth the ECG monitor.
Does anyone think plugging one of the devices into the back up mains generator E ring would help or would the interference be airborne ?
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Re: ECG trace interference with Digiterm chair ?

Chris Bates
Don't know if it would make a difference, but for low cost, you could try a ferrite core on the mains cable of the chair or the ECG ???
e.g RS Stock No.:
or similar.
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Re: ECG trace interference with Digiterm chair ?

Chris Pearson
Thanks Chris,certainly worth a try.