Endotoxin testing

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Endotoxin testing

I'd like to ask what methods other units are using to measure endotoxin limits on their product water supply?  

I'm not sure we would return to the original gel clot/test tubes and heater block process as quite like a quantitative result. Hopefully there are some more cost effective methods out there.

We currently use an Endosafe PTS though, after 10 years of reliable use, its time is almost over.  Is anybody aware of alternative suppliers of anything similar to the PTS?  I see a company called Associates of Cape Cod International sell some kind of semi automated system that we hope to have a look at shortly.

Does anybody send samples away for analysis?  If so how do you deal with equipment that returns a fail while awaiting a retest?


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Re: Endotoxin testing

Ian Wilde
Hi Garry,  we use alcontrol for all our testing.

If our product water should fail its endotoxin test (which is extremely rare) we know we have a further 2 filters on each machine which gives us a further belt and braces backup while we retest / organise a clean. I'd say 9 times out of 10 it's a handling error for us anyway.

Ian Wilde