Fresenius 5008 Machines

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Fresenius 5008 Machines

Ian Wilde
Hi all,

Due to an upgrade to our fleet, we have a number of Fresenius 5008 machines that are now surplus to requirement.

They range in age from 8-15 years and have been fully maintained with many new parts having been fitted.  

Every machine was in use up until being retired.  They have a range of modules (BVM, BTM, BPM, SN).

For a nominal fee, if you think you could make use of this equipment to help with a capacity issue or similar or perhaps you're interested in stripping them for parts then drop me a line
Ian Wilde
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Re: Fresenius 5008 Machines

Chris Pearson
Hi Ian,
I know Sailey is looking for equipemt for another new unit in Africa if no one else makes an offer I'm sure she would pick them up and put them to good use.
She might even take the Gambro ro's too if the price was OK.