Funding for Solar Panal for Home HD Patients

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Funding for Solar Panal for Home HD Patients

Is there any goverment funding for Solar Panel to be installed into home HD patients?

Is it worth installing these to offset the cost of running the machines within the home and are any trust out there already doing this?

We are investigating this as part of our Green Energy.



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Re: Funding for Solar Panal for Home HD Patients

Ian Morgan
Hi Kevin,
Have you spoken to your Estates Department as they probably have an environmental manager who should know what is available, or at least how to find out.
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Re: Funding for Solar Panal for Home HD Patients

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by KevinJGibbs
As good as it sounds there will be all sorts of hurdles I imagine...

Who would own it and pay for its installation?
who would be responsible for it should it go wrong or cause damage to the existing roof?
what if the patient is transplanted shortly after? Could the patient have an option to buy?

I think a better option might be one of the reducers that takes the voltage down from 240 to 220/210v?
Ian Wilde