Granular or block carbon

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Granular or block carbon

Ian Wilde
Would you use granular or carbon block filters in a 10" or 20" housing in somewhere like a home environment?

Having just read:

"...has an extensive range of such carbon filter blocks - all with the advantages over traditional granular carbon of greater efficiency, longer life, higher flow, no channelling, lower extractables, fine filtration, cleaner and greater versatility"

I always thought granular was the most effective but according to the above I may be wrong!?

Ian Wilde
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Re: Granular or block carbon

Chris Bates
Hi Ian,
I always understood blocks to be much better than granules, generally the specs bear this out and they produce barely any finings - we don't flush new block filters.
I guess the block has carbon where the gaps between the granules would be !
There is a new generation of impregnated fibre filters like the CFB-plus which seem better again than standard blocks (there are some special Chlorplus blocks which have huge capacities but I haven't tried them).
We are currently using 3x20" CFB-Plus changed once a year at home and I don't expect any breakthrough - this is discussed in another thread somewhere.

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Re: Granular or block carbon

Ian Wilde
I reckon you've got a good point about the gaps there Chris.  For whatever reason I originally thought that granuals would give a larger surface area but I suppose the cracks in the block may even exceed this granular area?

I bet you could have an entire study day just on carbon filtration and the pros and cons of each type.
Ian Wilde