HHD machines

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HHD machines

fraser gilmour
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With the GIRFT target of >20% of patients on a home therapy,  and the steady emergence of HHD targeted equipment coming on to the market, I'm interested to know what those with HHD programs currently use.
Our setup for HHD was built initially with no dedicated nursing support and relied on in-centre staff looking after patients out in the community, forcing us to use the same large in-centre machines shoehorned into patients homes where possible. Only fairly recently, and since getting a dedicated community team, have we introduced NXstage as an option for those who either couldn't have the 5008S, or who specifically wanted this system. I am hopeful for moving to using more specifically self care designed equipment in future and hope there is more development on this front.
Anyone care to post their thoughts on this?
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Re: HHD machines

Ian Wilde
Hi Fraser,

We are similar to you, with a dedicated community nursing team and us as techs that support the home programme.  

We have our MDT meetings weekly discharging new patients now on the 6008.  Our existing patients are on the 5008S with the remote.  

As you'll know, there is currently no option for the remote with the 6008 but this
a) hasn't yet stopped anyone going home and
b) there doesn't seem to be a desire for this mod on the 6008 from Germany although Manchester are trying to push it.

We send patients home on the NxStage only if there is a desire for it from the patient due to lifestyle or the home environment won't support a traditional machine and installation.  This could be rental/temporary housing etc.

So in other words - we mirror eachother! :-)
Ian Wilde
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Re: HHD machines

Chris Bates
Pretty much ditto Ian here.
5008S with Aqua Uno H or NxStage - patient's choice unless they need the capacity and flexibility of 5008S
Mixture of Pureflow and bags for NxStage.
We also have Physidia, but only for one patient so far. Seems pretty good