Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour

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Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour

Roger Moore
Dear all

Just wondering how many units undergo Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour (HPV) treatment as part of deep clean schedules? Also for those that do is HD equipment left in situ, is other medical equipment left in situ and have you been advised of any equipment types that should be removed prior to HPV.

Additionally how many have sought advice/clarification that equipment is validated for exposure to HPV.

Many thanks in advance.

Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: Hydrogen Peroxide Vapour

HPV treatments are performed here.  These are on request from the unit for isolations rooms.  In addition the whole unit is routinely treated annually.  Equipment is left in situ during treatment.  GE manage the bulk of equipment at the Trust (not haemodialysis equipment) and I'm told, following assessment, that Xray equipment is the only kit that is not exposed.

Not enquired with manufacturers though our current equipment specs include the statement 'To be constructed of components and materials that are easily cleaned and compatible with current infection control directives'.  

Looks like a lot of the internet literature reports little issue with equipment though most of what I have come across is from the HPV equipment manufactures themselves.