IBP Reference Meter Verification

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IBP Reference Meter Verification

Matt Waite
Who does everyone use to have their IBP meters checked / calibrated?

Without naming names, our previous supplier returned one instrument with greater measurement errors than it went in with, denied responsibility, then couldn't even see the error when it was pointed out to them. That one went to Germany to be done properly. We've not been back...

Our current supplier offers 7 to 10 days turn around, but it feels more like 7 to 10 weeks. Even if we send them in early, calibration dates end up overlapping and we have too few validated meters to work with.

If anyone can suggest alternatives we'd be interested to know...

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Re: IBP Reference Meter Verification

Chris Pearson
PMSL :-)
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Re: IBP Reference Meter Verification

Chris Bates
In reply to this post by Matt Waite
We have just gone back to LinC. We did use one of the bigger calibration companies.
At least half the time, the delays were blamed on their calibration equipment being away for calibration !
9 month turnaround for our most recent calibration ! Display needed replacing - was slightly damaged but useable when it left us.
Also I object to paying extra if something needs adjusting - apparently we had paid for a calibration check - not an actual calibration as I understand it.