Installing your own CDS

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Installing your own CDS

Hi All,

I know the easy answer is paying the £50k but this seems like a good project.

Has anyone installed their own wet acid CDS?

I'd be looking at a FMC CDS3 controller but would like to plumb the ring/tank/pumps internally.

I think I remember Stoke had one they put in themselves but could be wrong.

Please drop me a mail if you can share details, I'd happily come and visit.
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Re: Installing your own CDS

fraser gilmour
It's a great project Mike, and no doubt worthy of an ART presentation too
I've often wondered why gravity fed systems aren't more popular, assuming you can get over the problem of where to put the tanks.
Surely much cheaper to install and very little ongoing maintenance.
Could this be an option for you? does anyone else use this system?
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Re: Installing your own CDS

Gareth Murcutt
Hi Mike,

I'm not doubting your capability in the slightest but my advice is to avoid doing this. £50k over minimum 10 years is really tiny saving and you take on lots of extra risk. In my experience a couple of leaks from the system that require estates intervention eg replace some floor, and will soon run up to that amount.

You didn't mention the size of the unit but if 15+ beds then the system will pay for itself in max 3-5 years which is better than at least 90% of NHS infrastructure projects.

I just think when you look at the cost of most projects £50k is what they pay for the scoping/design part, not the actual build/install.

I genuinely wish you the best of luck if you do go ahead.
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Re: Installing your own CDS


We are looking at 2 x 14 bed units.

I've had the paid route on the projects list for the last 2 years without success sadly.

It is a tricky situation and I would prefer not to have this burden but still gathering information.

As it stands I'm just researching tanks.

Unfortunately a gravity fed system isn't possible for these sites.