Joining the ART (training scheme)

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Joining the ART (training scheme)

Dear all who read,

I am a chief tech/technical manager but not a full ART member, which I would very much like to be.

I am 1/2 way through the Bradford Renal course and have a HND in Electronic engineering.

Reading the guidelines this appears to meet criteria to sign up to the programme.

From reading the programme though it seems like I will need a senior member or technician to sign off my log and ensure I am progressing etc. Sadly, my team doesn't have anyone in the ART. I do have a very experience technician as my deputy who has been in the game almost as many years as I have been alive. Would he be suitable to sign off my log etc?

It feels like the programme is aimed at trainee/new techs that have a good support network from senior staff who are already ART members.

Any advice welcome. I would very much like to put our service back on the map!

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Re: Joining the ART (training scheme)

Ian Wilde
Hi Mike,

Yes you're quite right in that the training course in it's current format is more geared towards a new starter.  I am like you in that I have the same qualifications and probably similar experience given our roles in our own units.

What is it you mean by "full ART member"?  You pays your annual subscription - you're a member!  If you do complete the training course then that would enable you to be automatically accepted onto something like the RCT.  Without doing the training scheme there is currently no way to get on the register as there isn't yet an equivalence route designed for renal techs.  

I'm not 100% sure what the criteria for being a mentor is however I know that it is common for one from another unit to come and do it if needed.  I think with someone having your experience it could probably be done by email?

Let me know your thoughts and I can always bring it up at the next Committee meeting in a few weeks.

Ian Wilde
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Re: Joining the ART (training scheme)

Hi Ian,

Sorry, what I meant was a RCT/ART member. I would like to be RCT registered and a ART member. The membership I will be applying for when I'm next in front of my desk but the RCT will be a tricky one.

I think it would be a good step forward for my area, and hopefully members of my team would follow suit.

I must confess, my experience of Renal in time is only 2.5 years. It has been a very steep learning curve. The Bradford course has been brilliant at filling a lot of the gaps but I think completing the ART training would give me a well rounded knowledge base.

I would happily work on the 1-2 year course and present to a panel for the RCT registration but I suppose I would like some info on what would be possible in my situation.

If a mentor, via email, from another unit could be possible then I think that could work well.

Would you mind asking the question at the next Committee meeting and let me know the thoughts?

Again, thank you Ian for all of your help over the last few months.

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Re: Joining the ART (training scheme)

Ian Wilde
No problem Mike, it's what we're hear for - to help and share ideas and thoughts between us.

I will certainly ask the question and get back to you hopefully with a plan to move forward.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Joining the ART (training scheme)

Andy Mosson
In reply to this post by mike.jones
Hi Mike

We can certainly work out you going through the ART training scheme, especially if you have experienced people working with you. I will e-mail you directly to establish contact.
