Hi Mike,
Yes you're quite right in that the training course in it's current format is more geared towards a new starter. I am like you in that I have the same qualifications and probably similar experience given our roles in our own units.
What is it you mean by "full ART member"? You pays your annual subscription - you're a member! If you do complete the training course then that would enable you to be automatically accepted onto something like the RCT. Without doing the training scheme there is currently no way to get on the register as there isn't yet an equivalence route designed for renal techs.
I'm not 100% sure what the criteria for being a mentor is however I know that it is common for one from another unit to come and do it if needed. I think with someone having your experience it could probably be done by email?
Let me know your thoughts and I can always bring it up at the next Committee meeting in a few weeks.
Ian Wilde