Lower aluminium level - ALS

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Lower aluminium level - ALS

Ian Wilde
Just looking towards those who like us use ALS for their water sampling?

Have you noticed that the lowest level they now sample down to is only 14ug/l which is not low enough for the RA guidelines of 10ug/l?

A quote from ALS:

"The results are <14.4ug/l, which is the new reporting limit for this test, meaning that we are unable to give you a result below <14.4ug/l.
Our Limits of Detection have been replaced with Limits of Quantification. Communications regarding this change were issued in December; COM 116/19 on the 9th December, and COM 120/19 on the 16th December."
Ian Wilde
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Re: Lower aluminium level - ALS

Yes, but luckily we have always used another hospital lab specifically for aluminium though they now report in μmol/l.  

Though cadmium can be omitted they only test for this down to 0.0006mg/l so always >50% action level if you were implementing.