New Baxter/Gambro WRO300H available

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New Baxter/Gambro WRO300H available

Chris Bates
Hi all,
We have 10x WRO300H delivered last July. Still in unopened boxes.

Is anyone interested in having them? Reduced price obviously.

Our finance department is unsure of how we would arrange payment but I am sounding out interest.

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Re: New Baxter/Gambro WRO300H available

Ian Wilde
Want me to put something out via the mailing list Chris?
Ian Wilde
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Re: New Baxter/Gambro WRO300H available

Ray Herridge
In reply to this post by Chris Bates
Hi Chris,
Do you still have any of these available?
I'm at the Royal Devon & Exeter Hospital & we still use WRO300H's for some home patients on & in any acute areas of the hospital not yet served by a CWP. ( Covid has necessitated several new areas of the hospital to be plumbed up for Dialysis & it changes on a monthly basis! ... I'm sure we're not unique in that).
I've spoken to my chief Tech & naturally he needs a ball park figure of costs involved which I appreciate you may not be able to give me. I think we could probably do with at least a couple more 300H's if you you still have some going?
If so I will let him know & see if he can muster the funds together to purchase them.
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Re: New Baxter/Gambro WRO300H available

Chris Bates
Hi Ray, send me an e-mail
I have a couple of people interested but we haven't got any further yet.