New Renal Association/ART water guideline

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New Renal Association/ART water guideline

Ian Morgan
Dear All,
The latest RA/ART guideline for dialysis water and dialysis fluid is on the RA website for comments, the link is: 
It will be available for comment for 4 weeks. Please send your comments to Nic Hoenich at this email
NOTE: We are aware that there are some spelling mistakes and the space between some words is missing; this will be corrected in the final version.
New sections include: water treatment for acute HD settings, water treatment for home HD and concentrate production and distribution systems.
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Re: New Renal Association/ART water guideline

Ian Morgan
The new RA/ART water and dialysis fluid guideline has now been published on the RA website under 'joint guidelines'. Here is the link
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Re: New Renal Association/ART water guideline

Ovidio Gallego

Dear colleagues
Attached you will  find the latest edition of the Spanish Guideline in which I participated



Ovidio Gallego
FSE Medical Devices in Spain.
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Re: New Renal Association/ART water guideline

Roger Moore
Dear Ovidio

Many thanks for posting the Spanish guidelines, very informative and useful.

Kind regards

Kind regards


ART Chair