Old tech making a come back?

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Old tech making a come back?

Ian Wilde

Was doing a talk to the registrars today on the machines when one of our lead consultants proclaimed that Redy style machines are making a come back?

He seems pretty well connected in these circles so there maybe something in the pipeline?

You heard it hear first ladies and gentlemen!  Watch this space...
Ian Wilde
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Re: Old tech making a come back?

Roger Moore
I remember them well from my early years as a renal tech back in the 80's. Also remember disinfecting the machines with formaldehyde!!!
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: Old tech making a come back?

Chris Pearson
I worked on that exact model during a locum at Riyadh Military Hospital in SA,they showed it me working but when they switched it on and were preparing to put a patient on there were no alarms showing behind the black plastic panel and said there never had been,I quickly took the cover off and wiggled a large relay and it lit up like a Christmas tree.
Just proved how intrinsically safe they were as they had been using it for years oblivious :-)
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Re: Old tech making a come back?

Chris Pearson
Another great Redy story,I was searched leaving Heathrow en-route to dialyse a patient in Guyana and they were quite concerned about the 12 adsorbent cartridges in my luggage until I pointed out I'd have to be a bit stupid to try and export cocaine or heroin back to South America :-)
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Re: Old tech making a come back?

Chris Eaton
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
We had a patient phone us from holiday on one, he was whispering down the phone and we struggled to hear him. He managed to get the point across that he was on a site public phone and didn't want to shout, as the redy had been on fire in the log cabin he was staying in.....