On-Call Rates

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On-Call Rates

Simon Brooke
Good Morning,

Are any NHS Techs still being paid per session for on-call?
Our Trust didn’t transfer us onto the AfC percentage rates and our on call payments haven’t changed for many years.
We receive £11.52 weekdays, £17.21 weekends and £23.11 bank holidays.
Is this comparable with other Trusts?
I’d be grateful if anyone is willing to share their on-call rates, if different to ours.

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Re: On-Call Rates

Ian Wilde
Hi Simon,

I have just been through this at our Trust.  We too were on Whitley Council rules until around Feb of this year.
Turned out our Trust had negotiated a new on-call payment policy with the Union etc 2 years earlier but we had been forgotten about!

We are no longer paid by sessions but by the hour.  Whenever the workshop is closed then the on-call is active.  We do 100 hours a week on call.  You get more for weekends and BH per hour of course.

If you want me to send you a copy of our policy then just send me an email.
Ian Wilde
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Re: On-Call Rates

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by Simon Brooke
P.S. our Trust decided not to go down the percentage rate route - probably would have cost them too much.

As you probably know, their choices are pay by the hour or pay as a % dependent on frequency of being on-call amongst your team.
Ian Wilde
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Re: On-Call Rates

Ian Wilde
In reply to this post by Simon Brooke
We now also get paid for telephone calls/advice which is new!  
Not enough for early retirement by any stretch of the imagination though!
Ian Wilde
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Re: On-Call Rates

In reply to this post by Simon Brooke
Monday - Friday £17 for a 12 hour period
Saturday, Sunday and bank holidays £19 for a 12 hour period, all pro rata.

Time and half for any callouts, double time if on a bank holiday.  Can claim 30mins for any telephone support.
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Re: On-Call Rates

Simon Brooke
Thanks for the replies.
Just found out that our Clinical Engineering are on different rates to us so we are challenging it!