PPM and managing resource

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PPM and managing resource

Gerry Boyle

What is the general thinking and rationale about best use of resource?

Are you still performing PPMs or responding to breakdowns only?

Med Physics in my Health Board have suspended PPMs until further notice, what's everyone else doing?

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Re: PPM and managing resource

Ian Wilde
Hi Gerry, we too have suspended services due to demand. We haven't really for the capacity to have machines being pulled for services. The only option would be to come in at night to do them when demand is less but we don't have a large enough team of techs to be able to then cover the daytime too.
Ian Wilde
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Re: PPM and managing resource

In reply to this post by Gerry Boyle
Currently business as usual for us though, with a +/- 3month PPM window, we have a bit of flexibility.  The current planning has not reduced our spare capacity.  Staffing wise we are still at full numbers but if that changes then keeping the service running would be the priority.

I have a meeting later with Mebs so will ask on the Trust's view then.
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Re: PPM and managing resource

John Moore
In reply to this post by Gerry Boyle
Breakdowns only here although if a machine comes in for repair and PPM is due we'll do the service. Home program we're ringing round our patients to make sure they have stock of disinfectants, endo filters etc. Changing water filters at the known problem areas, otherwise responding to calls for help.