PPM costs

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PPM costs

fraser gilmour
Just trying to get projected costs for maintenance on the equipment below.
I'd appreciate if anyone can give me the their real world experience of the time required for planned maintenance. And any other useful info

Nikkiso DBB-EXA

Artis Physio 115323

Surdial X Type A
Surdial X Type B
Surdial X Type C

Dialog + HDF Online INCL 710207E
Dialog IQ HDF Comfort 710407A

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Re: PPM costs

Hi Fraser,

BBraun Dialog+ HDF

Main Service Kit = £95.42 +Supplement HDF Kit = £36.41 (2017 prices)
Full service with calibrating temperatures and conductivities all in all approx 4 hours with run up.


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Re: PPM costs

In reply to this post by fraser gilmour
The all singing Surdial X is approx £160 for the PPM kit.
Take about 3 hours start to finish.

Software upgrade adds about 20mins.

If your changing the UF pump its currently FOC and adds 30-60mins
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Re: PPM costs

fraser gilmour
Thanks guys, are these recommended on an annual schedule?
Mike, I take it there is a problem currently with the Surdial UF pumps? hence FOC
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Re: PPM costs


They were expecting them to last longer than 10-15k hours so currently replacing FOC.
The ppm kit is only biannually.
A solid machine but takes a little getting used to.