Palintest Chlorosense

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Palintest Chlorosense

Ian Wilde
Anyone else out there using the Chlorosense?  If so how are you finding the reliability of the results you're getting from it?
Ian Wilde
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Re: Palintest Chlorosense

Ivor D
Hi Ian,
Our nurses use the Palintest Chlorosense each morning. Recently the results haven't been particularly consistent and we've been called to double check results using our calibrated colorimeter.
Despite the Chlorosense tending to throw up one or two high results, the colorimeter shows a consistently good level of Total Chlorine on our water plants.
Initially we suspected that users may be rinsing the Palintest receptacles with tap water as there always seem to be issues with the first test results but were unable to substantiate the suspicion. Subsequent samples seem to be far more accurate.
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Re: Palintest Chlorosense

Chris Bates
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
Been using Chlorosense for years now.
We had a few problems early on because Palintest had a problem with one of the raw materials for the strips. There was a range of batch numbers of the strips which were very inconsistent. They sent us a DPD type while they sorted out their problems.
Since then we have had no problems.
Do you store the strips in a fridge? They need to be stored under 20 degrees.
We also did a software upgrade a couple of years ago but I can't remember why.
You could talk to Tom Lendren at Palintest to see if they have had any more inaccuracy reports. He is usually very helpful.

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Re: Palintest Chlorosense

Chris Bates
Tom Lendrem
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Re: Palintest Chlorosense

Ivor D
Thanks Chris.
There has been the odd instance of sensors being stored for a while at room temperature, that may well have been the cause of our issues.
Just out of interest, have you found that storing them at 4-6C has proved to be a successful remedy?
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Re: Palintest Chlorosense

Chris Bates
Hi Ivor,
We haven't had any problems since we started storing them in the fridge.
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Re: Palintest Chlorosense

Ian Wilde
Hi chaps, we haven't stored our strips in the fridge since Palintest changed the design of them and results seem to be good and consistent.  We had problems initially with the strips but when I ordered more some months ago they looked different to the ones I had trouble with.  When I say different i mean the layout and appearance of the different "lines" on the strips.

Ian Wilde