Pre Treatment Disinfection

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Pre Treatment Disinfection

Ian Wilde
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Has anyone any experience of disifecting the pre-treatment systems of their RO setups?

Would someting such as a peracetic acid damage carbon or softener beds?

Have searched the net for info but have as of yet been unable to find anything conclusive.

Ian Wilde
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Re: Pre Treatment Disinfection

Roger Moore
Not aware of this being done Ian but would be keen to hear if so and how.
Kind regards


ART Chair
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Re: Pre Treatment Disinfection
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
Hi Ian,

We have not met yet but I am part of the Renal Sales Team at Veolia Water.

We use Sodium hypochlorite (bleach) when we disinfect softeners. Carbon beds can be disinfected with chlorine, we don't recommend using peroxide or peracetic acid as can have a reaction to the carbon bed.

Best wishes
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Re: Pre Treatment Disinfection

Ovidio Gallego
In reply to this post by Ian Wilde
Concerning this,
Any of you take microbiological samples after carbon filters?
Apart from preventive maintenance, what level of microbiological contamination should we consider as mandatory for carry out  a disinfection of the pre-treatment?

Ovidio Gallego
FSE Medical Devices in Spain.
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Re: Pre Treatment Disinfection

Ian Wilde
Hi Ovidio,

We never take samples from after the carbon filters - only after the RO.

We may consider doing it if we had exhausted all other avenues of trying to get the bug count down from our samples but only as a last resort I would imagine.

Best regards

Ian Wilde