Push-fit on pre-treatment

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Push-fit on pre-treatment

Ian Wilde
I'm considering replacing some ageing ABS pipework on one of our pre-treatment systems with 22mm push-fit.

All the specification documents indicate there shouldn't be a problem.

Anyone else all ready done this and if so is there anything to learn from your experience?


Ian Wilde
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Re: Push-fit on pre-treatment

Chris Bates
Hi Ian,
I plan to do this next time.

We've had lots of split and broken ABS/PVC fittings over the last couple of years.

It makes sense to be able to repair in minutes rather than always having to wait for solvent/glues to set.

Two of our pre-treatment installations used pushfit stainless steel pipework joined with o-rings and crimped. I'm told this is fairly standard now and is actually cheaper than ABS and much faster to install but specialist tools are needed.
