RO membranes

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RO membranes

Chris Bates
I am told that there are special "Medical Grade" RO membranes - has anyone ever heard of this?

I have changed 8" membranes in the past for the same type and spec as the OEM type but somewhat lower cost (ie no labour).

We did get Braun to change first stage membranes once - with my help to reduce labour charge - and the membrane price was very similar to what I could have paid from GAPS water/Fileder. If they were a special "medical grade" I would have expected a much higher cost.

Any thoughts?
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Re: RO membranes

Ian Wilde
Hi Chris, not sure what makes a membrane 'medical grade' ?

It's not as though it's specific to the medical industry.

We could have pharmaceutical grade, brewing grade, desalination grade.  At first glance it sounds like marketing mumbo jumbo but I'm happy to be proven wrong.
Ian Wilde
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Re: RO membranes

fraser gilmour
sounds like a way of adding another zero on to the price tag  
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Re: RO membranes

Ian Wilde
Ian Wilde