Resin Volcano

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Resin Volcano

Chris Bates

This is a new one on me. Riser tube had come out in second softener vessel head. Vessel 2 was only half full and when I took the head off vessel one I got a slow volcano effect for abour 60 seconds. at leat I know where the lost resin went. The staff thought I was a bit odd giggling to myself inside the small RO cupboard.
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Re: Resin Volcano

Ian Wilde
Now that is quite an errupsion!

I think it's fair to say your resin is knackered!  And those beads are slippery little buggers when they get on the floor!

Would be good if you could tweet that pic to the ART twitter account too Chris
Ian Wilde
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Re: Resin Volcano

Chris Bates
Soz - I don't tweet, or facebook.
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Re: Resin Volcano

Ian Wilde
If my wife didn't have facebook she might have to actually talk to me in an evening!
Ian Wilde