Setting up facilities abroad

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Setting up facilities abroad

Chris Bates
Does anyone have a contact for someone who may have experience of setting up a small facility in Africa ?
One of our nurses is thinking of trying to do this in Zimbabwe and was hoping someone could give her some tips as to the procedures and pitfalls she might face.
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Re: Setting up facilities abroad

Ian Wilde
I think it would definitely be worth contacting Dr Ibi Erekosima at Salford Royal.  He is my contact when it comes to donating machines and equipment.
Ian Wilde
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Re: Setting up facilities abroad

Terry Simpson
You could try contacting Olutade Ojelabi he used to work at Guys before returning to Africa as a distributor. He is an ART member and tries to make conference every year. He has a few eye opening tales to tell about setting up in Africa (or certainly Nigeria). His email is